Renewed in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of the Heavenly Father!
Regular Worship Schedule:
Sunday morning 9:30 AM​
Summer Worship Schedule:
During the months of June, July, and August, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, we worship outdoors (weather permitting), at the picnic shelter. Bring your own lawn chair, or enjoy the picnic tables inside the shaded shelter. ​​
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sundays (when there is one) of the month, as well as on festival Sundays of the Church Year.
During the Wednesdays in Advent (December) and Lent (around March), we have a simple meal and fellowship ahead of a short worship service, marking off these seasons as times of special dedication and spiritual focus.
Join us on Christmas Eve for beautiful candlelight worship in honor of the glory of Jesus, the Light of the world!
Join us for special Holy Week worship services beginning on Palm Sunday, and continuing on Maundy Thursday as we remember the Upper Room and the night in which our Lord was betrayed, yet bestowed the gift of Holy Communion. Then comes an evening service on Good Friday, where we behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And all of it culminates in the Festival of the Resurrection, Easter Sunday—“He is risen, indeed, Hallelujah!”